Monday, December 29, 2014

Freddie Mac: 2015 Home Sales to Hit 2007 Levels

Freddie Mac: 2015 Home Sales to Hit 2007 Levels | Keeping Current Matters
According to Freddie Mac’s latest U.S. Economic & Housing Market Outlook, U.S. home sales in 2015 will show increase to the numbers associated with a normal real estate market. Here is their projection:
“We are projecting a 4 percent rise in sales to 5.6 million, which would mark the highest level of annual sales since 2007.”
And their optimism was seconded by both the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA).
Freddie Mac: 2015 Home Sales to Hit 2007 Levels | Keeping Current Matters
It seems that an improving economy and jobs market will mean a very healthy housing market.

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